Infinite Jest has been on my Kindle for at least 10 years and I still haven’t read more than a page. I did finish Moby Dick though and it was a miserable experience for me. My impression was 1% plot, 99% whale stuff. But I might be exaggerating.
It is a lot of whale stuff. But’s really not a book about whales according to my friend Pete.
Also, reading Infinite Jest on the kindle is likely the ideal experience because you can click back and forth among the footnotes, which take up literally half the book.
Infinite Jest has been on my Kindle for at least 10 years and I still haven’t read more than a page. I did finish Moby Dick though and it was a miserable experience for me. My impression was 1% plot, 99% whale stuff. But I might be exaggerating.
It is a lot of whale stuff. But’s really not a book about whales according to my friend Pete.
Also, reading Infinite Jest on the kindle is likely the ideal experience because you can click back and forth among the footnotes, which take up literally half the book.
Not going to lie: I had to read it too as we prep for the first day of school. Glad you found it valuable!