book barter #1: Together, by Dr. Vivek Murthy
A deep look at the impact loneliness has on all of us, and how to combat it
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Note: Heading into Memorial Day weekend, we launched project kathekon’s book barter service with the first book on offer below.
Offerer: Jeremy Keim
Title: Together, The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World1
Author: Dr. Vivek Murthy
One-Word Review: Uplifting - 9 out of 10
Why I am submitting this book: While I’ve been interested in the the issue of loneliness and isolation in the past, I became a bit obsessed this past year (take a wild guess as to why) and have been devouring as much content as I can on the topic. Together, through a canny combination of authentic anecdotes and rigorous research, Dr. Murthy presents his case for what currently plagues our society (with a nice focus on how this manifests differently in men) and ways to combat it.
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