May 14, 2021Liked by Jeremy Keim

Always searching - for new meaning, new friends, new passions, new ideas, new places. I’ve had 4 types of jobs and have lived in 4 different cities since I graduated college in 2013. To me, soul searching = growth.

Like you Jeremy, I believe in the power of community and inspiration. Small comments and short conversations have changed my life.

Now I live in Denver with my fiancé, and I’m blessed with all the love I could ever imagine. I’m still searching, however, for how I can continue to grow and be a better man.

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Man - that prompt covers all manner of sin... I think my story is I'm a dad, a husband, and a reformed careerist focussed on owning as much of my time as possible.

Also - I really miss live music too.

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I'll go first. Good morning from New York! I'm Jeremy. I'm a husband to one, a father of two girls named after towns in California. I'm a completer of streaks and I tend to say yes. I prefer sunrises to sunsets. I desperately miss live music and traveling with my family, two things I'm looking forward to doing this summer. I'm not a great writer. Heck, I'm not even a writer. I'm a math guy who can't add two numbers in his head who ended up in sales.

I believe in the power of community, the truth of accountability and the beauty of encouragement. I believe that we can all be better men. That's why I'm here.

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